I recently left my professional 9-5 job with the library and it has been liberating in more ways than I anticipated.
Four years ago, Michael and I started our own business and growth was slow because it was a side job for both of us. But we had finally found our niche in 2019 and business was booming. Of course, 2020 happened and we, like a lot of people, had to pause and reevaluate what we were doing. This move away from being an employee to being a full-time business owner was delayed by a good six or seven months. But here we are!
The first major thing I wanted to do was go through my wardrobe and get rid of everything that didn’t make me feel great to wear. The things I kept because I needed something to wear to work. The things I kept because they were as close to armor as I could get in a business casual setting.
It’s been wonderful. I can get into my small closet, Michael has space for his items, laundry day is so much quicker, and it’s all stuff that I love wearing and that I feel great in. My goal is to move into a handmade wardrobe as items wear out or I identify gaps in my wardrobe. Eventually, I’d like for everything I wear to be made by myself.